Pastor Delali Adeka (Joe) was born and raised in Kumasi, Ghana. He attended Anglican Practice School, Amass secondary school and graduated from VCU School of Pharmacy (Richmond, VA) in May 2009.
Pastor Delali Adeka has been blessed with the opportunity to minister at Faith and Victory Christian Center in Alexandria VA, where he was committed to singing, teaching and preaching the Word of God with power and great passion. He joined HHIC when he relocated to Tampa, FL because of his job at 2010, where he now serves in the office of and associate Pastor since 2019.
He is happily married to Vida Adeka, and is the proud father of a beautiful daughter, Abigail Adeka. His ministerial goals are to be the best Elder he can be and to be a dedicated, humble servant to God and to His people in any function possible.